Friday, May 9, 2008

Niagara Falls Review - Ontario, CA

Niagara goes "unconventional"

Niagara Falls Ontario continues to build infrastructure giving travelers another reason to stay in the region for more than one day. Planners unveiled the new logo for the convention center, and the Niagara Falls Review was there:

Niagara Falls Review - Ontario, CA

Tell us what you think of the logo

Posted By Corey Larocque

Niagara’s convention centre is borrowing a page from 7-Up. The soft drink company marketed itself once upon a time as the “un-cola” to separate itself from its competition.

Now the Niagara Convention and Civic Centre will promote itself as “unconentional,” putting an emphasis on delivering “unconventional experiences” to thousands of annual delegates.

“We are going to make sure the world knows Niagara Falls has a convention centre,” manager Kerry Painter said at a reception Wednesday to unveil the logo and slogan she’ll use to drum up business.

The logo has a series of coloured, vertical bars depicting “an original and fresh interpretation” of the world-famous falls, a press release states. Two blue, wavy horizontal lines represent the relationship between the falls and the Niagara River.

A crowd of civic and business leaders attended the reception at the Fallsview Casino to see the the logo unveiled to Tina Turner’s “Simply the Best” blasted over the sound system.

Sample ads with phrases “Be Unconventional” and “Meet Unconventional” were shown to demonstrate how the “unconventional “ brand could be linked to Niagara attractions like the falls, casinos and golf courses.

The new $105 million convention center is scheduled to open in 2011. It will be built on Fallsview Boulevard near Dunn Street. The convention centre is just one more reason to use Buffalo Limousine for your travel needs in the Niagara region.

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